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Workplace flexibility: the Resimax approach

Flexible work has become synonymous with working life in the 21st century. Start-ups and digital businesses in particular have been quick to embrace a less regimented approach to working hours, instead creating conditions and environments where their people are free to work in a way that’s individually optimal.
While traditional businesses like real estate have generally been slower to adopt these practices, at Resimax Group we have adopted a start-up mindset.
‘We trust our people to know how they work to their best, and support those conditions.’
CEO, Olympic gold medal winner Steve Hooker, is proud of the authentically flexible culture he’s nurtured, and says it helps Resimax Group teams deliver consistently.
“Often when companies say they’re flexible, they mean coming in a little late or going home a little early. We take a more holistic position. We trust our people to know how they work to their best, and we support the set-up of those conditions wherever possible.
“Our approach lets Resimax dads be more engaged co-parents, lets our leading women thrive, and embraces the many side hustles our talented employees have on the go. All of this makes us stronger as a company, and we hope, a great place to work.”
Resimax Group Estate Manager Kane Killip says this approach has allowed him to build stronger relationships with his children.
“I’m able to be there for the kids, whether for appointments or school drop offs. It’s not just about milestones, it’s about staying connected to their daily lives.”
Senior designer Justine Paul, who moved to Australia from South Africa, often works remotely or on the go to allow her creative ‘incubation’ time.
“Traditional office environments don’t always suit creative processes,” she explains.
“Resimax understands that good work can be done anywhere at any time, which is incredibly appealing to creative professionals.”
Steve offers the following tips for cultivating a flexible working culture.
Take things slowly
Businesses, like people, are resistant to change. Radically overhauling the way people work overnight does flexible working no favours. Lay out your vision and enlist support to get there over time.
Treat people like adults
Work environments are often still very paternalistic. If you believe in the people you’ve hired, trust them to get the job done. Set clear expectations and empower them to reach the goals you’ve set.
Practice inclusivity
Flexibility is often framed as black and white – parents versus non-parents, women versus men. But everyone is wired differently and needs different things to work to their best capacity.
Create shared spaces
Use technology to create a ‘virtual’ office where people can always feel connected, wherever or whenever they’re working. Out of sight is out of mind, so help your people feel visible. You can also use digital tools to build digital knowledge and resources hubs, so people can rely less on physical inventory.
Find champions
Identify the people in your company who can help you evangelise the benefits of flexible working practices and give them the tools to tell that story to colleagues and beyond.